Tanja McMillan (Misery) – Tang Tang

Tanja Jade McMillan (Misery), is a New Zealand-based wall and pop artist. Tanja has exhibited in Berlin, Taiwan, Melbourne, Paris, Hawaii and Los Angeles. Her creative reach is extensive, ranging from highly crafted paintings and wall art to animation, fashion, toys and children’s decor brand Misery Guts. Tanja also sculpts, having completed two commissioned bronzes in Auckland’s Art District of Karangahape Road in 2016. Stylistically she could be equated to a saccharine Bill Hammond, with obvious visual references to her Tahitian / Chinese heritage, which can be seen through her subject matter, flattened depth of field, mode of storytelling and outstanding ink work.

Tang Tang is full of bright popsicle colour and is heavily influenced by theatre, costume, Asian art and culture. Misery was particularly inspired by the Tang Dynasty Court Lady figures, which appear in some of the paintings in the show. The artist loved their rounded shapes and puffy, overly blushed cheeks. These ladies also inspired the show's title

Read our interview with the artist to learn more about her art practice.

Artworks will appear below from 7am on Thursday, 3 June 2021.